Technology, Design, & Social Responsibility

Over the past few weeks, in Theory class, we have discussed the topic of technology, design, privilege, and power. Designers have more power than they generally claim. It is time for designers to take responsibility for their power and use it as a catalyst to elevate people/users and communities.

In the context of technology, the conversation is always about “How fast can we deliver this new feature. What will the return on investment?” Of course, those are great questions that need answers. However, revenue questions should not replace questions about “What will be the implication of this solution? or How benefits from this solution and who is marginalized?”

The industry is missing accountability. It has grown fast and wide. Designers are no longer on a corner, working on the next cool gadget or magazine cover. Today designers are in the public sector, technology, health. Poor solutions lead to poor outcomes, especially for the people/users and marginalized communities during the design/solution process.

I do not have any answers, but I hope that we can continue having this conversation with this zine. And one day, with our design powers combined, we can create accountability that leads to better outcomes for the people/users and communities we serve.


Power <> Responsibility

