How do we use power responsibly?
Over the last two weeks, we engaged with articles and videos about design, technology, and power. As a class, we discussed how they connect and how as designers we can use that power responsibly. Power affects outcomes. We as designers tend to have more power, and that power can give more power to the people we’re trying to help, or if not used responsibly, can lead to very negative outcomes. We design technology to shape our culture, and in turn that shapes us and what we continue to design–so we must choose to slow down and check the “why” behind what we’re doing.
For my second zine, I decided to create it on Figma to practice my skills for upcoming projects.
I also created it to be a mini zine to test my spatial abilities: 2.75” x 4.25”
Please use the numbers as a guide to read the zine in order.